Q-2, r. 38 - Regulation respecting the quality of the atmosphere

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38. (Replaced, O.C. 501-2011)Pot lines: Any pot line of any new aluminium smelter cannot emit into the atmosphere more than 1.45 kg of total fluorides per ton of aluminium produced.
Any pot line of an existing aluminium smelter cannot emit more particulate matters and total fluorides than the quantities prescribed in the following table according to the date of enforcement prescribed:
| | | | |
| | | kg of particulate | kg of total fluorides |
| | date of enforcement | matters per ton of | per ton of |
| | | aluminium produced | aluminium produced |
| | | | |
| first | from 1 December, 1981 | 22.5 | 5 |
| phase | | | |
| | | | |
| second | from a subsequent date| 12 | 2.5 |
| phase | which will be | | |
| | determined by an order| | |
| | of the Government. | | |
The emission standards of the first phase prescribed in the table above do not apply in the case where the operator of an aluminium smelter obtains, under section 48 of the Act, before 1 December 1981, the authorization to install the required devices to comply with the standards of the second phase and begins the necessary installation and modification work to this purpose by or before 1 December 1981. The emission standards of the second phase apply from 1 December 1983 to any smelter which avails itself of this paragraph.
The particulate matters emitted into the atmosphere by the roof monitors of the pot lines are sampled by the collection system installed according to the prescriptions of the method of measure mentioned in paragraph l of section 96, or the equivalent.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 20, s. 38; O.C. 501-2011, s. 215.